How to transform negative Monday to positive Monday? MONDAY TRANSFORMATION: TGIM – Thank God It’s Monday; Blessing New Mindfulness Monday… Positive Inner Transformation – Blog:1

Greetings everyone, my name is Jampa Ritzekura and I am the author of “Transformation of Mind & Life” self-help book on Amazon. Today I will be sharing my thoughts about Monday on this blog. I used to hate Monday’s because in my mind I knew Monday meant waking up early and going to work. Every Monday morning when the alarm clock beeped, I put it on snooze about four times. Then I had to forced myself to get up. I had to drag myself to go to the bathroom, brush teeth and wash my face. And then make breakfast and get dressed. I had to eat while I was driving because due to putting my alarm clock on snooze and not wanting to get up early on Monday.

I hated driving also and every time someone cut my lane or drive slow front of me, I used to get very angry and honked at the other car. My emotion of anger was very bad on Monday’s. It felt like I was going to prison, to lock myself in a long time. I also didn’t have much time, so I had to drive fast to work, so I don’t get late and get in trouble. When I get to the parking lot, I had to rush to find the nearest spot to the exit door. When I got in the work, I saw everyone very tired and exhausted. Everyone hated Monday and was commenting bad things about Monday.

But when Friday came, I was very happy, and all of my coworkers made all the good comments about Friday. All of my coworkers were saying how much happy they were and looking forward to the weekend. And knowing that weekend meant, sleeping more and don’t have to come to work. But when Sunday evening came, I started to get upset, demotivated and anxious. Back in my mind knowing that I have to get up early tomorrow and have to go to work again.

One day I thought to myself during my mindfulness meditation. Why do I hate Mondays and Why does most people hate Monday? What is the logic reason why people hate Mondays? So, I had dived deep into my mindfulness meditation thought. In my mindfulness meditation, I asked myself “Why do I hate Monday”? And then I start asking in my mind, “Why should I like Monday”? Well, Monday meant I have to get up early and I have a job. Monday meant I have a job to help other people because every job requires to provide a service to others. Monday meant I have a job security, which provides me money and with that it provides me financial security. Monday meant the pay that I get from my job, provides me food to eat, clothes to wear, roof over my head and provide a transportation car to drive to work. Monday meant, a job that saves me and my family with the financial security that helps with my survival tools.

So, with this mindfulness logic reasoning, I reminded my self-every day, when I woke up in the morning how thankful and grateful, we should be for Monday, just like Friday. Because without Monday, Friday can’t exist they both are interdependent to each other. Without Monday or the other weekdays, we can’t have a weekend because we have to earn money on the weekdays and that’s the logic reason, we get to enjoy the weekend because of Monday and the other weekdays. So, from my own experience everyday reminding yourself with logic reasoning, if you remind yourself the positive things about Monday then you will also start to appreciate and like Mondays also.

But that doesn’t mean Monday you will have less work but having that positive mindfulness reminder will help you decrease your tiredness and be happier while working. Because many neuroscientists have said with their research, our body and mind are interconnected. If we are angry our body gets more restless and tired, if we are happy our gets more rest and less tired. When we get angry, it also increases our heart rate and blood pressure and not good for our physical health. I also practice mindfulness mediation 10 minutes every morning which also helps my mind to be more relaxed and positive. I practice five minutes breathing mindfulness meditation and five minutes analytical logic reasoning meditation. Breathing meditation is relaxing my mind and focus on my breathing and analytical logic reasoning meditation is looking at the situation from different direction, or looking at the pros and cons.

Here is an example of analytical logic reasoning mindfulness meditation. Even though, I hate to wake up early today on Monday, but I am very thankful and grateful to wake up today. Able to breathe, see, hear, talk and walk, because looking from another direction, millions of people in our world are blind and can’t see, many are deaf and can’t hear, many are paralyzed and can’t get up, many are in their hospice bed and spending their last time with their family, and many have passed away, and can’t get up. So, with this logic reasoning it helps to motivate with positive energy to get up in the morning.

Another example of analytical logic reasoning mindfulness meditation for Monday is, even though I hate Monday because I have to go to work, but I am very thankful and grateful of my job. Because of my Monday job, I am getting an opportunity to live a meaningful life by helping other people, because every job we do is a service to other people. Because of my Monday job, opportunity of service I get, in return I am rewarded with money. And with that service money, it saves me and my family, because the money provides roof over my head, food to eat, clothes to wear. So, with this logic reasoning it should help transform your negative thoughts about Monday, to a positive Monday.

So, don’t get too caught up and attached into the days, instead use your logic reasoning wisdom mind and think about the positive sides of the days, and especially Monday. And I also think it’s not fair to hate Monday and love Friday, we should show love to every day, lol. So, I hope this blog about Monday Transformation – TGIM, will help you find some tools and resources, so that can help you have a peaceful and positive Monday and all the other days.

I would love to hear your thoughts about Monday and what are some tools or resources that you use to overcome Monday. And also, what are your thoughts on my blog about Transformation Monday, TGIM…